In Esper-8, we removed the runtime configuration API namely ConfigurationOperations and EPAdministrator#getConfiguration. The methods therein duplicated regular configuration and are available using EPL instead.

In Esper-8, we removed timer control events. The TimerEvent class and its subclasses are removed. Please use EPEventService#advanceTime, EPEventService#advanceTimeSpan, EPEventService#clockInternal and EPEventService#clockExternal instead.

In Esper-8, we removed support for revision event types. They were generally superseded by tables and update.

In Esper-8, we removed support for plug-in event representations. Implementing custom event type with a compiler architecture means an event type must be able to generate lots of small pieces of code. And implementing an event type requires a lots of plug-in code before that. The feature seemed un-used also because the existing event types offer all that is needed.

In Esper-8, we removed the the view resources configuration settings "Sharing View Resources Between Statements" and "Multi-Expiry Policy". The former was set to false by default. Named windows already to a way better job at sharing vies. The latter provided compatibility for those migrating from version 3 and was thus outdated.

In Esper-8, we removed support for updating event types and removing event types via API. We plan on being able to update modules. Please contact us if you are interested.

In Esper-8, we removed EsperIO-Stax. EsperIO-Stax was an example for plug-in event representations (see above).

In Esper-8, we removed support for isolated service providers. This feature was limited to non-sharable EPL objects since EPL objects such as named windows or tables were always global.